Quantum Spin Liquids

low-temperature broadband ESR spectroscopy on triangular lattices

Geometrical frustration, quantum entanglement and disorder may prevent long-range order of localized spins with strong exchange interactions, resulting in a novel state of matter. Organic charge-transfer salts are considered the best approximation of this elusive quantum-spin-liquid state, although its ground-state properties remain puzzling. Within this PhD project, we want to conduct ESR investigations in a broad frequency range and down to low temperatures because it is the only spectroscopic method capable to probe the low-energy dynamics of spin liquid candidates.

This PhD project aims at the exploration and under­stand­ing of quantum-spin-liquid candi­dates on a triangular lattice, their ground states and excitation spectra, their magnetic phase dia­grams, depen­den­ces on effective correlations and degree of frus­tration. The project focusses on organic quantum spin liquids built from S = 1/2 molecular dimers of charge transfer salts. Utilizing and further improving re­cently developed ultra-low-temperature broad­band techniques of electron spin resonance, we direct­ly probe the magnetic pro­per­ties of the electron spin system in an unprecedented parameter range (T > 20 mK, B < 8 T, 0.5 GHz < f < 90 GHz). Thorough temperature-­, field- and angular-dependent experi­ments enable us to deconvolute the contributions to the ESR signal. We can deter­mine the possible existence of a spin gap in the excitation spectrum, gain infor­mation on the formation of valence bond solids and related controversial aspects, which are of particular importance for the development of a theoretical description of quantum-spin-liquid candidates on triangular lattices [1].

[1] Miksch, et al.Science 372, 276 (2021)


This image shows Martin Dressel

Martin Dressel

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Head of Institute

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