Teaching in WS 2023/2024

Lectures: Fortgeschrittene Molekül- und Festkörperphysik (Experimentalphysik VI); Photons in Matter; Module Quantum Materials; Hauptseminar; PI1 Seminars

Lectures WS 2023/24

Fortgeschrittene Molekül-und Festkörperphysik
Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel
Time: Tue  09:45-11:15
          Thu 09:45-11:15
Lecture hall: 57.05
Beginning: !! Thursday 19.10.2023
Please note the change of the lecture room on the following dates:
09.01.2024     canceled
11.01.2024      room 2.136
16.01.2024     room 2.136
18.01.2024     room 2.136
from 23.01.2024  again in 57.05

Übung zu Fortgeschrittene Molekül- und Festkörperphysik

Details unter Ilias LINK

Photons in Matter
Dr. Marc Scheffler
Time: Thu 14:00-15:30
Lecture hall: 57.05
Beginning: 19.10.2023
Exercise Photons in Matter 
Time: tba
Seminarroom: tba

Module: Quantum Materials in WS2023/2024

Introduction to Quantum Materials: Topological Aspects
PD Dr. Artem Pronin, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Loth
Time: Wed 11:30-13:00
Lecture hall: 57.04
Beginning: 18.10.2023
Exercise Introduction to Quantum Materials: Topological Aspects
PD Dr. Artem Pronin
Time: tba
Seminarroom: tba

Quantum Materials Lab (Vertiefungsveranstaltung zu 04390 Quantum Materials Modul)
Dr. Marc Scheffler
Time: tba
Seminarroom: tba


Hauptseminar: Properties on demand in functional materials
PD Dr. Ece Uykur
Email to:

Time:Blockseminar 12. and 13. February 09:00-17:00
Beginning: 12.02.2024
Seminarroom: 3.531 (PI1 Seminar)

PI1 Seminars

Seminar: 04612 Special Topics in Condensed Matter Physics
Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel, Dr. Marc Scheffler
Time: Tue 13:00-14:30
Beginning: 17.10.2023
Seminarroom: 3.531 (PI1 Seminar)
Seminar: 04614 Recent Developments in Solid State Spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel
Time: Thu 13:00-14:30
Beginning: 19.10.2023
Seminarroom: 3.531 (PI1 Seminar)
Seminar: 04944 Seminar in Physics for International Master of Physics
PD Dr. Artem Pronin
Time: Mon 14:15-17:00
Beginning: 16.10.2023
Seminarroom: 3.531 (PI1 Seminar)
Oberseminar: 04611 Microwave Spectroscopy for Solid State Physics
Dr. Marc Scheffler
Time: Tue 09:30-11:00
Beginning: 17.10.2023
Seminarroom: 3.531 (PI1 Seminar)
Oberseminar: 04613 Special Problems in Optical Spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel, PD Dr. Artem Pronin
Time: Thu 08:00-09:30
Beginning: 19.10.2023
Seminarroom: 3.531 (PI1 Seminar)
Oberseminar: 04618 Optical Properties of Dirac Materials
PD Dr. Artem Pronin
Time: Thu 11:30-13:00
Beginning: 19.10.2023
Seminarroom: 3.531 (PI1 Seminar)

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