Lecturer: | Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel, Dr. Artem Pronin |
Room: | Pfaffenwaldring 57 - V57.06 |
Time: | Fri 09:45 - 11:15 |
Beginning: | 19.10.2018 |
Language: | English |
Exercises: | Fortnightly, Friday 08:00 - 09:30 and 11:30 -13:00, starting on 26.10.2018 - Room: V57.3.331 |
Contact Lecture: | Prof. Dr. Martin Dressel, Dr. Artem Pronin |
Contact Exercises: | Dr. Artem Pronin |
This lecture can be taken as Schwerpunktmodul as well as Ergänzungsmodul for M.Sc. students.
I appreciate your comments and suggestions! Please provide your feedback and fill out the questionnaore. Let me know how you like the lecture and what can be improved.

Martin Dressel
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.Head of Institute
Artem Pronin
PD Dr.Optical studies of topological materials