Dielectric Response of a Superconductor Near Percolation

Bachelor's Thesis

Superconductivity, Percolation, Microwave Spectroscopy, Criticality


Superconductivity, Percolation, Microwave Spectroscopy, Criticality


Successively connecting isolated, conducting, microscopic islands eventually leads to percolation with macroscopic conduction. The macroscopically insulating state close to such an insulator-conductor transition can be strongly polarized and should exhibit a divergence of the dielectric constant when approaching this transition. In this project, we want to study this diverging dielectric constant near percolation for the case of a superconductor, namely Sn. We will use cryogenic microwave coplanar resonators as probes, which are covered with island-structured non-percolated Sn films, and we will study their dielectric response above and below the superconducting transition temperature.

This image shows Marc Scheffler

Marc Scheffler


Senior scientist

This image shows Martin Dressel

Martin Dressel

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Head of Institute

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